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Florida Property Damage Attorneys
Nessler & Associates is committed to fighting aggressively for your property damage claim. Far too often, property owners pay insurance premiums for coverages that they never intend to use. However, there comes a point in time in any property owner’s life when they call on their insurance company to cover damages for a loss that occurred to their property; this could be a water loss, fire loss, wind loss, etc.
How the Insurance Companies Low Ball You
More than not, the insurance company is likely to underpay or outright delay payment of a property owner’s claim in an effort to minimize the coverage amount or to frustrate the property owner enough to have the property owner cease perusing their claim. This might come in the form of denying that a loss occurred, denial of a portion of the claim, unreasonable requests by the insurance carrier to prolong the claims process, providing a low ball settlement offer, or refusing to pay under one type of coverage -- thus forcing the property owner to settlement under another type of coverage.
It should be noted, the aforementioned is just a small list of the types of tactics insurance carriers will use.If you find yourself wondering why your claim has not been paid in full and/or why your insurance carrier is not willing to speak to you or expeditiously trey to resolve your claim, please contact our office as it is likely that your carrier is willfully attempting to delay your claim in an attempt to minimize your recovery.
We Fight for You
At the Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler & Associates, our property insurance dispute attorneys understand firsthand the struggles property owners face when navigating their property insurance claims. Additionally, we know the pitfall and traps associated with all types of claims.
Our attorneys have worked on both sides of the aisle and provide a wide range of knowledge that allows our attorneys to promptly and vigorously advocate on our clients' behalf. Rather than try and navigate these times alone, allow our office to help you and take the burden off your shoulders. It is essential to have someone represent you, someone who is willing to fight the good fight.