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(727) 333-7093
If you haven’t filed a claim yet, don’t worry. One of our property damage attorneys can help you file your claim and get the insurance to pay in a timely manner.
We pride ourselves on getting clients cases resolved quickly. You will not owe us anything unless your case is settled or won.
Florida Hurricane and Insurance Claim Attorney
As those who have weathered the storm and attempted to pick up the pieces of their lives can attest, a hurricane is one of the most destructive natural disasters that an individual and/or family will experience. This is why most Florida residents purchase homeowners insurance to cover the cost of repairs for hurricane damage.
Unfortunately for most homeowners, their insurance carrier is likely to undervalue and underestimate their claim, resulting in the homeowner being unable to make the necessary repairs needed to the property. For this reason, it is in the best interest of those who have hurricane-related insurance claims or damages to contact a specialized hurricane insurance claim attorney who can ensure that their insurer does not take advantage of them during their difficult time.
What You Should Do If Your Property Encountered Hurricane or Storm Damage
Even when homeowners are warned of an impending hurricane and take the appropriate steps to protect their property, hurricanes almost always cause some damages that may not have been expected. If your property has suffered damages as a result of a hurricane or storm, please consider taking the following actions:
Cover your property with a tarp and/or boards to present further water intrusion;
Photograph or videotape all damages, including the roof, attic, crawl space, interior walls/ceilings, windows, doors, exterior siding, and personal property;
Make a complete inventory list of all items damages and/or carried away by the hurricane or storm;
Notify your insurance company as soon as possible of the hurricane or storm damage.
If a homeowner fails to take the steps noted above, they risk their insurance carrier's risk denying their claim. For example, it is very common for an insurance company to deny a claim by arguing that the property damage occurred after a hurricane. As such, it is essential to promptly notify your insurance carrier of the loss and provide all supporting information in a timely manner. This will eliminate the insurance carrier from asserting a weak denial.
Types of Property Damage Caused by Hurricanes and Storms
At The Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler & Associates, our hurricane and storm damage attorneys understand that hurricane season brings extreme anxiety for property owners in the state of Florida. As such, we pride ourselves on taking a hands-on approach in reviewing and advocating for our clients. Additionally, because we regularly deal with hurricane insurance disputes, we understand the myriad of damages resulting from these types of claims. Some common damages associated with hurricanes included, but are not limited to:
Broken windows;
Compromised or destroyed doors on homes, garages, and other structures;
Damage from projectiles;
Destruction of personal items and interior home goods including furniture or appliances;
Fire damage from downed wires;
Harm to boats, cars, and other vehicles;
Moisture damage;
Property damage to costly outdoor fixtures including pools, sheds, and landscaping;
Roof lifting, destruction of shingles, gutters, and siding; and
Structural damage to the home’s walls, porches, and outer buildings.
What Does My Homeowners Insurance Cover?
Typically, a standard Florida homeowners insurance policy will cover wind but not flood. This means that an individual's homeowner's insurance policy will cover the cost to repair the roof, ceilings, and siding damages; however, that same policy will not cover damages that would have occurred as a result of storm surge flooding. Aside from what is covered under a typical homeowners insurance policy, a certain deductible (similar to a threshold) of damages must be met to receive payment for an insurance claim.
Because a standard homeowners insurance policy does not cover flooding, more often than not, insurance carriers will argue that damages resulting from a hurricane were not caused by wind but instead caused by flooding. Unfortunately, this is only one of the many tactics an insurance company will use to avoid issuing payment on a claim.
If you feel like your hurricane claim was unduly delayed or wrongfully denied, please contact our office, where our team of experienced hurricane claim attorneys can assist you in navigating your hurricane or storm damage claim.
Common Tactics Insurance Providers Use To Avoid Paying Claims
As we tell people all the time, property insurance companies are not in the business of resolving claims. They are in the business of making money. When a property owner attempts to obtain coverage for damages to their property, they are met with wrongful tactics used by insurance companies to avoid paying. These tactics include:
Denial that insurance coverage even exists;
Denial of your claim because your claim is excluded or partially excluded under your policy;
Denial of a part of your claim;
Unreasonably delaying the processing, adjustment, or payment of your claim;
Refusing to pay you under one coverage category, instead attempting to force you to settle under other policy coverage categories;
Trying to lowball you with undervalued estimates, offers, or payments;
Telling you that you do not need a lawyer to resolve the claim;
Requiring a written release of any supplemental claim as a condition of settlement or payment on your claim; and/or
Writing “full” or “final” on the check for payment when you reasonably believe that you have a supplemental or additional claim for that loss.
If you find yourself dealing with any of these problems, do not hesitate to give our office a call. Our team of experienced property insurance dispute attorneys can help you navigate the ridiculous tactics your insurance carrier may wish to use.
Schedule a Free Property Damage Consultation with The Nessler Law Firm’s Hurricane Insurance Attorneys Today
At the Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler & Associates, our property damage and hurricane damage attorneys understand firsthand the struggles property owners face when trying to navigate their hurricane and/or property insurance claim. Additionally, we know the pitfall and traps associated with said claim. Our attorneys have worked on both sides of the aisle and provide a wide range of knowledge that allows our attorneys to promptly and vigorously advocate on our clients' behalf.
Rather than try and navigate these times alone, let our office help you and take the burden off your shoulders. Insurance companies are not in the business of helping others but instead are in the business of making money. As such, it is essential to have someone represent you, someone who is willing to fight the good fight. Should you or someone you know need assistance with your hurricane or property insurance claim, please give our office a call for a free consultation. We'd love to help you.
We don’t get paid unless your case is settled or won.
Call our team of aggressive personal injury lawyers today at 727-333-7093.