Mesothelioma and Asbestos Attorneys
Mesothelioma is a rare cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Although it is rare in the general population, recently more and more mesothelioma lawsuits are being brought forth. This is because of the long period of time that it takes for mesothelioma to develop after working with or being exposed to asbestos. In some cases it can take up to 50 years or more to show signs of the disease.
Up until the mid 1970’s asbestos was used in insulation and other construction materials. Records show that asbestos health risks were known back in the 1920’s, but still its use went on. It was not until 1972 that asbestos exposure began to be limited by OSHA asbestos regulations, and not until 1989 that the EPA banned all new use of asbestos. There still has not been a total ban of asbestos although now many building owners often perform asbestos testing and removal on older properties.
Jobs which carry a higher risk of mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure include insulators, boilermakers, plumbers, plasterers, shipyard workers and Navy personnel, people working in construction, mechanics, maintenance workers, firefighters, and laborers. Also at risk are the family members of these workers and people who lived close to manufacturers of asbestos. This is due to the fact that people working with asbestos often carry small amounts home with them on their clothing or hair.
If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you need experienced attorneys that will work with you to ensure that you are able to obtain a settlement that will allow you to receive the best treatment possible for your condition. At The Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler & Associates, Ltd., our lawyers have been serving Springfield, Illinois and the surrounding areas of Decatur, Champaign, Bloomington, and Peoria since 1977. In addition to these areas we also serve Effingham, Moline, Joliet, Rockford, and Rock Island. Stop worrying about how you will be able to afford treatment and contact us to find out how our experienced mesothelioma attorneys can help.
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