
This webpage might be considered a legal advertisement in some jurisdictions.  Likewise, the link used to access this website might be a legal advertisement, depending upon its location on the internet and depending upon the jurisdiction.

The materials on this Web site are provided for informational purposes only. These materials are not legal advice. These materials are intended, but not promised or guaranteed, to be correct, complete, or up-to-date.

The reader should not consider this information an invitation for an attorney-client relationship. Readers should not act or rely upon any information contained in this Web site and should always seek the advice of an attorney in the reader's state.

The owner of this Web site is a law firm licensed to practice in Illinois. In some jurisdictions, portions of this Web site may be considered advertising. The Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler and Assoc. Ltd.  does not wish to represent anyone desiring representation based upon their viewing any portion of this World Wide Web site that does not comply with legal or ethical rules in those states.

The transmission of an e-mail request for information does not create an attorney-client relationship, and you should not send us via e-mail any information or facts relating to your legal problem. Finally, if you are a client, remember that e-mail may not be secure.

The Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler and Assoc. Ltd. makes no representation that it can obtain the same results as reported in cases on this Web site in other legal matters.

The Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler and Assoc. Ltd. is located in Springfield, Illinois.

Jonathan T. Nessler is the attorney responsible for the Web Page.