Work injury: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Wrist Injuries
The wrist is an extremely important part of the body. The wrist is comprised of eight (8) small bones called carpals. One function of the carpals is to support a tube that runs through the wrist. The tube is called the carpal tunnel. Inside the tube are tendons and a nerve. The carpal tunnel is held in place by a ligament.
The wrist can be damaged by repetitive motion. Pain is commonly associated with a repetitive motion injury of the wrist. Every day activities like typing, and other repetitive motion activities can cause swelling, pain and even carpal tunnel syndrome. If you notice bruising or swelling around your wrist, this can be a sign of an injury.
A wrist can also be fractured, which might cause misshapen joints and an inability to move your wrist.
Work Related Wrist Injuries Are Covered by the Workers' Compensation Act
If you suffer a wrist injury while at work you should contact an attorney immediately. Whether your injury is a fracture caused by some trauma to the wrist, or you suffer from a repetitive motion wrist injury like carpal tunnel syndrome, it is crucial that you protect your legal rights.
In Illinois there is a statute called Workers’ Compensation Act. The Workers’ Compensation Act requires that an employer provide benefits for its employees if those employees are injured in the course of or arising out of their employment. These benefits are called Workers’ Compensation benefits. The Workers’ Compensation Act has certain procedural guidelines that must be followed. If these guidelines are not appropriately adhered to, an employee might be barred from receiving Workers’ Compensation benefits. This includes work related injuries of the wrist.
The Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler & Associates, Ltd. has been representing employees with work related wrist injures for over 35 years. We maintain offices throughout Illinois. Our principle office is located at 536 North Bruns Lane, Springfield, Illinois 62704. Our other central Illinois locations include Decatur, Lincoln and Champaign-Urbana. We also have offices in Rockford and Chicago, Illinois.
If you have suffered a wrist injury at work, contact our Workers’ Compensation lawyers at (800) 727-8010. Our toll free number will put you in contact with our central office in Springfield, Illinois. From there, you can set an appointment to meet with a Workers’ Compensation attorney at a location that is convenient to you. You may choose from any one of our Illinois offices.
A Workers’ Comp lawyer is essential to protecting your rights if you have suffered an on the job wrist injury. Our attorneys have experience handling these types of Workers’ Compensation claims, and will aggressively pursue your workers’ compensation claim. We have obtained significant Workers’ Compensation settlements, and have successfully tried many claims when the settlement offers were less than reasonable. Call now or press the Tell Us About Your Injury button below for a free attorney consultation.